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The market intelligence platform that connects Australia’s financial services industry
InvestorDaily is a news and information resource for Australia’s financial services sector. Arriving in inboxes at 6am every day, and backed by a daily updated website, it’s where the industry turns to for news, insights and interpretation of the key issues impacting the development of Australia’s financial services industry.
Backed by a dedicated and experienced editorial team – one of the largest of any financial services media brands – it links the diverse financial services sector, linking superannuation funds, institutions, fund managers, dealer groups and planners. readers make more informed business decisions through business intelligence, commentary, insights and analysis supported with live events including the Wraps, Platforms and Masterfunds Conference.
InvestorDaily is a national online news and information resource for Australia’s financial services sector, including superannuation, funds management, financial planning and intermediary distribution. Arriving in inboxes at 6am every day, and supported by a daily-updated website, it’s where the industry turns to for news, insights and interpretation of the key events impacting the development of Australia’s financial services industry. Backed by a dedicated and experienced editorial team – the largest of any financial services publication – InvestorDaily breaks the news. It connects the diverse financial services sector, linking superannuation funds, institutions, fund managers, dealer groups and planners – delivering business intelligence and commentary that helps InvestorDaily readers make more informed business decisions.
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Craig Pecar
Senior Account Manager