Video Banner

Max 1920 x 1080 Min 960 x 540

Advertisers can effectively engage with our audience through the use of video formats, which allows them to tell a story or highlight their product in a unique and compelling way. This ad unit provides a powerful opportunity for businesses to connect with our audience.

Ad unit
Video Banner
Max 1920 x 1080 Min 960 x 540
Max file size
File format
VAST tag or MP4 file
Technical Specifications

Be better informed

The ad unit and video creative are both handled through a responsive template, meaning that creative assets are only needed in a single size. Advertisers are also welcome to utilise one of our creative templates that pulls a short 30 second video from YouTube or Vimeo with a call-to-action underneath, however click through rate is typically lower on these formats.

These averages are collated from a range of advertisers and products, with creative that varies in length.

*impressions are an average and based on 100% SOV across ALL devices

Impressions for the past month*
CTR for the past month*

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